Knowledge V Intelligence

What is more important? Can you really distinguish the difference between knowledge and intelligence? Do you think coaches or athletes know the difference between them? How can this effect your learning or teaching? Lastly, Does this effect me as a coach if I did not know this?

Knowledge – one of the most important factors to develop both coach and athlete. Knowledge is based upon facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject (Oxford Dictionary, accessed March 2015).

Intelligence – would you say that we are born with intelligence or is it learnt through others? Intelligence enhances the process of the coaches philosophy, benefiting both coach and athlete. Intelligence is the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills (Oxford Dictionary, accessed March 2015).

“Listening to a meaningful speech is knowledge, applying what you listened is intelligence”

“Knowledge speaks, Wisdom listens” (Jimi Hendrix)

Thinking about these 2 definitions of knowledge and intelligence, it is vital for a coach to know the difference so that they can provide themselves with the intelligence if they do not have the knowledge or gain knowledge to enhance their intelligence. Both work hand-in-hand but can mean so much more standing on their own.

For myself, coaching has given me intelligence and I have given my participants knowledge but, coaching given me extra knowledge whilst I have given my participants some intelligence.

Could you work with one when the other isn’t involved? I’d say no, they both work together to enhance each other. Which in turn, turns a situations or problem into something greater or enables somebody to progress better. If I had knowledge without intelligence, I couldn’t portray that knowledge because I wouldn’t know how. The same would apply if I had intelligence with no knowledge, how could I do anything with my intelligence if I had little knowledge. Personally, I feel as though my intelligence and knowledge wouldn’t stand and help on their own.

One thought on “Knowledge V Intelligence

  1. You make a number of really good points and and enjoy your approach to blogging. To develop your points it would be worth your while to engage in wider academic reading


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