Evolution of Triggers from Animals to Coaching Practices

Has animal triggers made its way into Sports Coaching?

My example of this would involve Liverpool Football Club and Brendan Rogers philosophy of when an opposing player is looking at the ball you can go in for a tackle as they are concentrating more on the ball and not who is running towards them.

How animals are involved in this you ask?

Well, if you think about a human or an animal trapping another animal to catch them for food, this is a trigger or a trap, whichever way you would like to think of it. An animal will therefore wait for the animal they are wanting to pounce on to look at something else, or concentrate on another thing and that animal will then be able to pounce and catch their prey.

The same in football, Liverpool defence are told to wait for the opposing attacking players to concentrate on the ball and then go in for the tackle. Again they will more than likely be successful.

My final questions from this to you is, do you think this will be an evolution? And what do you think will become of this in the future?

This is just a bit of fun to see if I do get any responses and see how many people actually believe this could be a philosophy or practice.